President’s Message
by Interim President Bill Stephens, PG
After many years of faithful and effective service, immediate past President Joe Marchesani decided it was time for him to take a break from his leadership role at FM-PA. We wish him all the luck in his future endeavors. The Board members present at a recent meeting voted unanimously to install me as interim President until the official meeting at the annual symposium. I hit the ground running with the idea that we needed to get prepared for what will likely be a “Hybrid” Symposium, part in person and part Zoom, at a totally new facility. In our last in-person symposium, we had an issue develop with the availability of the venue we had at F&M for many years. Last year, with the COVID shutdown, we were forced to adapt and put on a symposium entirely remotely using Zoom; with the effective leadership of your Board of Directors, that symposium went off without a hitch. Now we are tasked with not only finding a new venue, but one where we can have in person and remote attendance for the Fall 2021 Symposium. Stay tuned!