The Pennsylvania Chapter of the The Friends of Mineralogy (FM) is an organization devoted to the advancement of serious interest in minerals and related activities. It includes mineral collectors, professional mineralogists and curators of public and private collections. The bond uniting these people is a love of mineral specimens and a desire to spread appreciation and knowledge of minerals. FM was formed in 1970 in Tucson, Arizona. An initial project was the establishment of The Mineralogical Record. The FM has had a close and continuing association with The Mineralogical Record and with Rocks & Minerals Magazine. One of the organization’s important activities has been support of the two magazines as vehicles for the preservation and dissemination of mineralogical information.

Bylaws of the Pennsylvania Chapter Friends of Mineralogy

Goals of Friends of Mineralogy

  • To preserve and protect mineral specimens for education and research.
  • To promote the preservation of valuable specimen localities and mining deposits.
  • To encourage the collection of minerals for their research and educational value.
  • To advance programs of mineral study and the educational activities of amateur groups.
  • To promote the dissemination of information about minerals, mineral localities, collections and mineral studies.

How Does FM Work?

FM is a non-profit, educational and scientific corporation, incorporated in the state of California. FM has an international membership and is run by a board of 18 directors. Directors are elected (6 at a time, for 3 year term) by ballot by the members. FM currently has about 600 members, three quarters of whom belong to one of seven local chapters, one of which is the Pennsylvania Chapter.