The Mines and Minerals of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, a recently published book by FM member Ron Sloto, provides a comprehensive description of the mining history and mineralogy of the county. It pulls together over 300 years of mining and mineral history under one cover. It is richly illustrated with 510 figures — old and new photographs, old maps, mine surface plans and cross sections, and photographs of minerals from museum, university, and private collections. Many of the old photographs have never been published before. This book describes nearly 200 mines and mineral localities. It includes the known history of each mine and locality and a list of reported minerals. The locations are shown on a set of USGS topographic maps. Because many of the mines had several names over the course of their history, a comprehensive cross-index is provided. An extensive bibliography also is included.
One hundred twenty six mineral species have been reported from Montgomery County, plus an additional 13 mineral species that were reported, but not verified. Extensive coverage is provided for the two most prolific mineral localities in the county—the Perkiomen-Ecton lead-copper-zinc mines near Audubon and the Kibblehouse (Perkiomenville) quarry in Perkiomenville.
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