The Mines and Minerals
of Chester County, Pennsylvania
A book by Ron Sloto of the U.S. Geological Survey
Now Available on
Chester County is the home of many famous and world-class mineral localities -- the Wheatley Mine, French Creek Mine, Brinton's Quarry, Poorhouse Quarry, Unionville corundum mines, Cornog Quarry, Beryl Hill, and the Parksburg rutile area -- to name just a few. This new book pulls together over 200 years of mining and mineral history under one cover. It is richly illustrated with 574 figures -- old and new photographs, old maps, mine cross sections, crystal drawings, and mineral photographs. Many of the old photographs have never been published before.
The Mines and Minerals of Chester County, Pennsylvania
describes over 400 mines and mineral localities. It includes the known history of each mine and locality and
a list of reported minerals. The locations are
shown on a set of USGS topographic maps. Because many of the mines had several
names over the course of their history, a comprehensive cross-index is provided.
Also included is an index of all minerals reported from Chester County with
their localites.
Large!!! 8-1/2 X 11 size with 504 pages!
Information on over 400 mines and mineral localities
Extensive bibliography on Chester County mines, minerals, and geology
Topographic maps showing the locations of mines and mineral localities
Extensive cross-reference index of mine names
Extensive cross reference index of minerals reported from Chester County